Banking Marketing represents the fundament for a clearly understanding and deepening of knowledge related to the management of the banking client relationship, which becomes more and more complex and represents an integrated part of the business banking development.
Within the current economical dynamics, characterized by the structural changes of the regulatory frame, by the strong efforts to regain back the trust and by the systemic reshaping after the financial crisis, each banking institution prioritises its resources in order to benefit of the market opportunities and to create shareholder’s value.
The book presents the most important concepts of banking marketing, the synergies within the banking institutions, at both strategic and tactic level and includes relevant examples from the national and international banking environment which have contributed to the developing of the competitive advantages.
From the functional point of view, the presented concepts are specific to the banking marketing field, being utilized in most of the divisions of the bank, with a special focus on bank-client relationship, because the client of the bank is the most valuable asset, who has to be invitated and educated to consume banking products and services, who has to be monitorized and fidelysed, supported to develop its business and to further use the bank expertise.
The book presents together both „traditional” banking marketing instruments and also the „digital” banking marketing and their new role, levelling the new battle field – virtual world, where the banks meet their clients for products and services and which involves specific behaviours, putting the emphasize on the dynamics of the technology, as support for banking products.