Civilization, culture, management. Conditionalities, influences, perspectives, second edition, volume 2

Civilization, culture, management. Conditionalities, influences, perspectives, second edition, volume 2

Autors: Amedeo Istocescu

Year of appearance: 2013

ISBN: 978-606-505-737-4 /978-606-505-739-5 Vol.2

26,10 lei In stock: NO
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Civilization, culture, management. Conditionalities, influences, perspectives, second edition, volume 2, contains a detailed case study on New Zealand history, cultural values, types of organizations that exist in the economy of New Zealand, specific elements of management from this region, but also aspects of daily life of the inhabitants of the island. Among the nations of the South Pacific, New Zealand (also called Aotearoa or “the land of the long white cloud”) is the largest and most industrialized economy.
In this second volume the author insists upon the original population of these places (maori), describing some of their traditions and mythology. In his original style, full of details, the author gives us the cultural story of New Zealand.  

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