Competitiveness and cost

Competitiveness and cost

Autors: Stefan Nedelea

Year of appearance: 2003

ISBN: 973-594-381-6

17,50 lei In stock: NO
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Competitiveness, applied in the organizations, has a double function: the assessment (evaluation) of the evolution of market organization, and the guidance in various ways (quality, price, cost, reliability, change) of its evolution in conditions of competition.
With this theme, the author has structured the book into four parts. The first part deals with: definition and components of the organization competitive, market – the place of manifestation of the competition, as well as innovative and virtual dimensions of the organization. In Part II you can find the concepts of plurality and competitive advantage, forces, elements and strategies favorable of competitiveness. Part III is devoted to costs (cost categories used in organizations practice, the relationships among these categories of costs and production approaches in terms of costs). Part IV presents methods (classical and evaluated) of management by cost.
The themes presented in this book addresses both the students of economic faculties and those who want to be enhanced by various postgraduate courses.

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