Econometrics. Theory and applications using EViews Descriere (PREZENTARE)

Econometrics. Theory and applications using EViews Descriere (PREZENTARE)

Autors: Stelian Stancu

Year of appearance: 2011

ISBN: 978-606-505-462-2

38,50 lei In stock: NO
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In essence, Econometrics could be simply defined as a science belonging to the economic and social area, where the economic and social, mathematical and statistical inference theoretical elements are used altogether to study a phenomenon of the analysed spectrum.

What makes the present paper different from other materials relating to Econometrics is that its approach is mainly based on the presentation, in a personal manner, of some essential issues in the matter, each individual concerned having the possibility to run, on his own data, the procedures described all along the material, so as to obtain specific results and to construe the same.

This paper is conceived to provide support for all individuals, allowing them to become acquainted with more or less analytical quantitative aspects concerning the micro, mezzo and macroeconomic science, the Econometrics representing nothing else but the related method.
It is also to be mentioned that, beside the significant number of examples – over 70s – accompanying the theoretical presentation, each chapter of the paper ends with a subchapter generically entitled Application on……., using EViews.

Therefore, this book is recommended both to the students for whom Econometrics is a compulsory subject matter of the academic curricula, to PhD candidates and also to the researchers and to those interested in learning miscellaneous issues allowing them to perform a grounded analysis of the economic and social phenomenon.

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