Economic and social cohesion and regional policy. The contribution of european funds to finance programs

Economic and social cohesion and regional policy. The contribution of european funds to finance programs

Autors: Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Gabriela Frentz, Alexandru Folescu, Aura Raducu, Magda R. J. Voinea

Year of appearance: 2007

ISBN: 978-973-594-946-4

28,90 lei In stock: NO
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The manual is addressed to all students and master students interested in deepening economic and social cohesion issues and regional policy in terms of financing through European funds.
This paper presents the objectives, principles, institutions, mechanisms involved in the management of European funds, with specific reference to the case of Romania, being addressed both characteristic elements of pre-accession period, and post adherence. There are also a number of models used internationally for impact analysis of regional development projects and study the effects of regional economic growth, models that can serve as benchmarks to base complex strategies and regional policies.

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