Economic dynamics: from linear to dynamic bifurcations, strange attractors and chaos

Economic dynamics: from linear to dynamic bifurcations, strange attractors and chaos

Autors: Gheorghe Oprescu

Year of appearance: 2006

ISBN: 973-594-827-3 /978-973-594-827-6

43,50 lei In stock: NO
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The work of Mr. prof. Dr. George Oprescu of collection "Cybernetics" is embedded in the economic dynamics, a branch of quantitative economy.
Field approach is evidenced by the subtitle works: the linear dynamics (neoclassical and Keynesian theory), and the nonlinear dynamics, which puts the economic analyst in the face of totally unexpected behavior of economic systems – the emergence of strange attractors and chaotic behavior.

The work is a novelty in Romania in terms of methodological approach to address complex issues of nonlinear dynamics. It is one of the first circuit connected to the worldwide scientific books on the topic. It addresses some broad categories of readers: students, teachers, researchers, specialists in analysis and forecasting, decision-makers at the macroeconomic level, economists, mathematicians, engineers with interests in the economic field. The problem analyzed is extremely complex, nonlinear dynamic systems emphasizing unexpected developments.
Through the case studies presented to each model analyzed thematically, the book provides an understanding of issues, being useful both to theorists, practitioners and researchers of the functioning of economic mechanisms.

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