Financial communication

Financial communication

Autors: Monica Tarta

Year of appearance: 2006

ISBN: 973-594-889-3 / 978-973-594-889-4

11,35 lei In stock: NO
Romanian Post delivery

Financial communication is a tool that helps an enterprise to focus and develop, and to be protected against hazards and market instability. This requires a precise identification of the actors involved, the appropriate means of information dissemination mechanisms, and information opportunities.
This paper will propose a detailed discussion on the peculiarities of financial communication, clarifying its area of coverage. Financial communication is addressed here only by reference to the main issuer, the enterprise. Viewed from this perspective, it is done essentially in written manner and is a vector of information so foreign – mainly – and internal.
Targeted recipients are both accurate and influential circles of the financial community, but also personnel of the company (in case of participatory systems such as stock-options, for example) and its shareholders.

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