Submitted in the collection "economic theory", the work that is authored by prof. Constantin Popescu PhD, prof. Elijah Gavrila PhD and prof. Dumitru Ciucur PhD is a reference one, having a content "focused on the analysis of documents, facts, behaviors, phenomena and processes of economic environment, in correlation with the natural environment", approach required in the coherent system of economic sciences.
Angle from which the authors approach microeconomic theory, with an opening to mondoeconomic, allowed them to demonstrate that the general theory of economic activity is the core of the entire system of economics, since its appearance. The manual is structured as a necessary tool in preparing students and their development as economists and decision makers with a prospective complex thinking, relevant skills to solve economic problems in conditions of freedom of action, conscious risk taking and loyal competition.
The book answers the need to know and understand more deeply and systematic the microeconomic theory.