Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

Autors: Radu Emilian

Year of appearance: 2004

ISBN: 973-594-362-X

30,45 lei In stock: NO
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The paper starts from the idea that human resource management (HRM) gets mainly changes in personnel function of firms (management or staff management / human resources), and represents a new way of understanding the place and role of human resources in every enterprise, on the one hand, and the role and "obligations" its to man, on the other hand.
In the analysis of practices in this area the authors observed a consistent application of human asset management and social relations (which, moreover, are mostly required).
Thus, from classical leadership (traditional) staff, which was intended to provide the staffing needs of business and which follow the reduction, mastering or "exploitation" of spontaneous or standing internal conflicts, existing or occurring within the organization, HRM encompasses today specific activities of communication, administration and management.
The ultimate objective, synthetic, this development is, naturally, improving the efficiency of each employee, his professional behavior and thus increase the performance of human resources of the organization, that labor productivity growth within existing technical system.

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