Information Economy. Theory and Applications

Information Economy. Theory and Applications

Autors: Stelian Stancu, Dumitru Marin

Year of appearance: 2007

ISBN: 978-973-594-909-9

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Submitted to Collection "Cybernetics", the paper tries to give a coherent and current approach to the way in which is acting the two parties involved in a negotiation process on different markets (goods and services market, money market, labor market). It is known that the relations between economic agents are characterized by informational asymmetry. In the paper are set out conditions of existence and stability of economic equilibrium in the presence of imperfect information.

The book has 11 chapters that present The theory of contracts or Economy Information (new field of scientific investigation at the microeconomic level) in various conditions: the symmetric information, adverse selection, moral hazard, the alert and screening, the insurance market.
Theoretical concepts presented in the chapters are supplemented by graphs and economic interpretations, which help their understanding and clarifying.

The bibliography is extensive and is a guide for those who want to know and other aspects of information theory. The book addresses all those interested in establishing negotiation strategies, by capitalizing maximum information advantage.

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