International Organizations. vol II. World economic and financial order. International trade regimes. The international regime of cooperation in defense and security. Multi-level security system (OSCE / NATO / EU / UN)

International Organizations. vol II. World economic and financial order. International trade regimes. The international regime of cooperation in defense and security. Multi-level security system (OSCE / NATO / EU / UN)

Autors: Petre Constantin

Year of appearance: 2007

ISBN: 978-973-594-980-8 /978-606-505-008-2

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The second volume of „International Organizations” book is structured in three parts. The first part, called „Economic and financial order”, begins with the issue of freedom of world trade, and also presenting the history and specific of World Trade Organization, the regulations on products and most relevant conferences of UNCTAD, the subsidiary body of UN General Assembly with an important political function – intergovernmental consensus-building in terms of the global economic and development policies, in parallel with its key role of identifying economic issues of development.

Then comes the presentation, generally, of the International Monetary Fund (history, objectives, accomplishments, debt instruments, critical opinions) as the main body of international monetary policy management, and presentation of the World Bank Group (World Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Development Association, International Finance Corporation, International Center for Regulatory Disputes Related to Investments and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency).

The second part, suggestively named „International sectoral regimes” approaches: the international regime of oil OPEC / OAPEP (emphasis placed on issues related to the strategic dimension of the oil, markets and prices, the main actors on the world oil market), the international regime of nuclear cooperation (nuclear race and the countries involved in "nuclear game" and the International Atomic Energy Agency), the international regime of cooperation in space extraatmosferic (concept, history of "race for space", the Committee for Peaceful Use of Space Extraatmosferic, treaties aiming the space, the space policies, the space research agencies – NASA, International Space Station – and the economic implications of space cooperation), international maritime rules and those of the environment protection (presenting a special place with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the United Nations Environment Program ).


The third part, „Multi-security system”, extensively discuss issues of international regime of cooperation in security and defense, such as: the role, institutional structure and limits of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as an organization for security and defense of human rights; North Atlantic Treaty Organization as international organization for defense cooperation and economic implications of the functioning of this alliance of states; aspects of European Defense (European Defense Community, the Western European Union, Common Foreign and Security Policy – CFSP, the onset of the European Security Defense – ESDP, the importance of "Document Solana” – EU Security Strategy); maintenance procedures or UN peacemaking and malfunctions in the matter.

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