Nutrition in fitness and bodybuilding

Nutrition in fitness and bodybuilding

Autors: Dan Cristian Manescu

Year of appearance: 2010

ISBN: 978-606-505-313-7

24,30 lei In stock: NO
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Among all conditional elements in sport performance, nutrition is plaing the most important role in fitness and bodybuilding. If in games dosn’t matter what the athleets are eating as long as their body weight is not afecting the final results, then in fitness and bodybuilding this is very important as long as the athleets must combine a big muscular mass with a small procent of fat in their bodies.

Considering this seemingly opposite goals, the athleetes from fitness but also laboratory researchers developed diferent nutrition techniques, in order to produce gradualy changes in body, with no trauma or side effects.

This book is syntesising the most important knowledges about nutrition, including methods, principles and plans aplied to individual goals, as well as informations about suplements and doping.
The book is generally dedicated to all regular people who would like to improve their unproperly feeding habits with a more healthy ones.

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