The book analyzes political action from the perspective of the Austrian School, with a particular focus on the Misesian-Rothbardian tradition. We follow a theoretical (praxeological) approach that identifies the most general aspects, i.e., invariable in time and space, of a particular kind of human action that employs coercion in order to extract resources and live off the efforts of one's fellow men. The approach is interdisciplinary, as it is situated at the intersection between economics and political science.
Building on the insights provided by economic science, the book argues that politics can be considered another branch of praxeology. Also, by taking as reference the economic theory of the entrepreneur, the book outlines the function of the political entrepreneur and analyzes the different limits that political action faces when it seeks to maximize the residual income represented by the political profit.
In the last part of the book, we analyze political action that is undertaken in the context of international relations. Here we deduce the necessary implications that follow from the decision to cooperate taken by political entrepreneurs that are situated in different territories in order to combat the effects of international political competition. In this context, we tackle the subject of regional economic integration.