Public relations

Public relations

Autors: Daniel Serbanica

Year of appearance: 2003

ISBN: 973-594-270-4

17,60 lei In stock: NO
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The book, structured in seven chapters, begins with listing the stages of evolution of public relations along with economic development. Next the author defines the terms and objectives of this area, its functions and factors influencing it, such as diversification of commodity markets, increasing competition, the impact of video equipment, etc.
The fourth chapter includes diagrams of Wilbur Schramm's communication model and communication process model, with detailed explanations, and the sixth chapter contains criteria for assessing the importance of a press release, its characteristics, types of notification, depending on their content etc.
The author manages to exemplify, even by the paper itself, the model of a style clear, precise, correctly formulated, concise, coherent and well structured, with a language appropriate to send a message easy to understand and remember.

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