Quality and Business Excellence, authors: Chiru Lelia, Dinu Vasile, Enache Antonia Cristiana, Ilie Anca Gabriela, Maiorescu Irina Gabriela, Olaru Marieta, Onete Bogdan Cristian, Pamfilie Rodica, Sârbu Roxana, Simionescu Violeta is a result of a team work of a group of professors in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The idea of this work appeared a number of years ago and was based on the results of the research of one of the Ph.D. candidates at the Department of Commodity Science and Quality Management.
The book is meant for master and doctoral studies. It is also useful to undergraduate students who wish to go deeper into concepts of quality and managerial excellence. This work is structured in six chapters and tries to capture the main stages of the evolution of the concept of quality in the 20th century, the contributions to this domain of the great personalities, the real “gurus of quality”. Starting from these theoretical aspects, the book continues with the presentation of the quality management techniques and instruments, of the way of including the cost elements in the categories and classes of the quality related costs and also the theoretical and practical aspects of the quality audits and the managerial excellence awards at the European and international level.
This book appeared simultaneously in English and Romanian.