Research in Knowledge Management. Applications in the Public Sector

Research in Knowledge Management. Applications in the Public Sector

Autors: Mihaela Păceșilă, Mihaela Sava, Ion Popa, Cosmin Dobrin, Sofia Elena Colesca, Armenia Androniceanu, Ștefan Gabriel Burcea, Oana Abăluță, Cristina Raluca Popescu, Cristian Pașcu

Year of appearance: 2006

ISBN: 978-973-594-865-8

Size: 17/24 cm

Pages: 123

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In a democratic and modern society, the functions of the public sector are complex. In the public sector, knowledge management involves the use of knowledge in order to improve transparency, provide services to citizens, to communicate better with the citizens/users /customers, and to improve the knowledge of their needs. The application of this concept in the public sector allows the proper fulfilment of administrative functions.

The book includes a series of studies/articles on various topics related to the role of public administration in the knowledge-based society, promoting organizational learning in the public service, knowledge as an economic factor, software solutions for document management, main ways to implement knowledge management in public sector organizations, knowledge management applications in the public sector, the study of the relationship between organizational elements and knowledge transfer performance, the challenges of the Romanian education system in the context of the knowledge-based society, knowledge management - “government learning method”, administrative art and social sciences, the public manager as a “specialized investigator”, and the use of knowledge maps in knowledge management. Each study is concluded with a well-documented bibliography.

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