Romania's economy and the European Union / Vol 5

Romania's economy and the European Union / Vol 5

Autors: coord.: prof. univ. dr. Coralia Angelescu, prof. univ. dr. Dumitru Ciucur

Year of appearance: 2007

ISBN: 973-594-599 / 978-973-594-902-0

44,40 lei In stock: NO
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The volume continues the series of studies of economic realities in Romania last decades. These are submitted in a logical sequence, several groups as: the state role in economy, restructuring the economy, new economy, labor market, fiscal policy, monetary policy, small and medium enterprises sector, the integration and harmonization of the Romanian economy to  economy.
Themes cover the main issues of current economic theory and practice, the Romanian economy and international dynamics. By research methodology, by the scientific conclusions based, the volume it proves to be an important and useful tool for individual study of those interested in contemporary economic destinies.

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