Romanian language manual. Specialized language for biological and biomedical sciences: ANATOMY

Romanian language manual. Specialized language for biological and biomedical sciences: ANATOMY

Autors: Mihai Serban

Year of appearance: 2017

ISBN: 978-606-34-0214-2

21,00 lei In stock: NO
Romanian Post delivery


This textbook is one to be used by the foreign students who attend the Preparatory year for Romanian Language organized by Bucharest University of Economic Studies, more precisely to those of these students who plan to get a specialization as physicians. It is conceived as an instrument to be used in the classroom, in a communication course, one that will help students reach a B1-B2 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It is not a course of Anatomy, but one that considers Anatomy a pretext, a starting point for the study of Romanian in general and RSP, Romanian for Special Purposes, in particular.

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