Statistics with Applications. A bilingual introductory statistics textbook

Statistics with Applications. A bilingual introductory statistics textbook

Autors: Miruna Mazurencu-Marinescu

Year of appearance: 2007

ISBN: 978-973-594-997-6

33,80 lei In stock: NO
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In the process of knowledge, statistics uses a set of categories and specific concepts. They should be well known, to avoid confusion and to increase the objectivity of the conclusions drawn in the statistical analysis.
The statistical survey is a way of knowing the social and economic reality, operating with specific means. Statistics is large, and as time passes is enriched by new contributions, made by Romanian specialists and researchers from educational institutions and, not least, by specialists from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
Since English is a standard way of communication for both business and educational environment, the author chooses to present the text in both languages, in Romanian and English.
Bilingual text gives an introduction to statistics, together with applications, which support statistical law identification that govern social and economic phenomena and processes, and the formulation of judgments on economic or political strategy, in order to achieve objectives.

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