World Economy

World Economy

Autors: Ana Bal (coord.), Sterian Dumitrescu, Rodica Milena Zaharia, Anca Gabriela Ilie, Dan Dumitriu, Camelia Candidatu, Octavian Jora

Year of appearance: 2006

ISBN: 973-594-720-X

36,40 lei In stock: NO
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The book, with authors including Mr. Prof. Dr. Sterian Dumitrescu, founder of International Economic Relations academic discipline, comes to supplement the information courses in first year of study, as many of the interactions between economic agents beyond the plane of international relations, they are transnational relations or even global connections.
In this sense, the handbook aims to provide students with a set of tools to study the problems of world economy (concepts and specific notions, arguments and conclusions of theoretical trends representative) in order to make future economists disposal a solid foundation of knowledge for develop the ability to analyse properly and nuanced the phenomena and understand the internal logic of their production and progress in a multidimensional perspective.
The book is intended, first of all, students from REI, but other students from other faculties, interested in the problems addressed.

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